Title: Joyroom S-AL012A17 SmoothGame Series 2.4A USB-A to Lightning Right Angle Fast Charging Data Cable 1.2m-Black
Description: DESCRIPTION:
Detail: Introducing the Joyroom S-AL012A17 from the Smoothgame Series, a versatile 2.4A USB-A to Lightning cable with a convenient right-angle design. This 1.2-meter cable not only ensures swift charging but also enables efficient data transfer. Say goodbye to tangles and discomfort as you charge or sync your devices with ease, thanks to its thoughtful design. The Joyroom Cable is your reliable companion for fast charging and seamless data connectivity, offering a durable solution for your Apple devices.
1-Name: Right Angle Fast Charging Data Cable
2-Connector type: USB-A to Lightning
3-Function: charging/transmission
4-Current: 2.4A
5-Transmission speed: 480Mbps
6-Material: aluminum alloy+braided nylon